Styling your dream home: design faux pas to avoid at all costs

Over styling

It’s easy to accidentally over decorate your space. One piece of artwork on the wall turns into five, that statement décor piece you bought for your coffee table has somehow multiplied and how did all this furniture get in here? Decluttering your home is an easy fix and allows you and your space to breathe. Less is always more.

Buying into trends

It happens to the best of us. We all want to have up to date, on trend homes – but buying something you see all over magazines and in homewares stores can be a risky move. Trends come and go and once the next big thing is in, you’re left with seemingly outdated pieces mere months after purchasing them. Look for classic, timeless pieces that you won’t need to replace once the fad fizzles out.

Creating a showroom space

When you walk into your home, it should be a reflection of your own personality and style and not look like a shop front. Inject your home with things you love, whether it be art, books, favourite colours or textiles and you’ll be surprised by how much more stylish your space looks – surpassing even the most high end showrooms.

Misplaced artwork

Finding the perfect artwork for your home seems like the hardest part of designing a room – but getting the placement of your art right can make or break your space. Art hung too high or too low disrupt the overall look and feel of the room. Hanging your art at eye level is a foolproof way of making sure your art is attractive and cohesive with your room design.

Too much or not enough lighting

Finding the balance between harsh, fluorescent lights and too dim, yellow light is the secret to a simultaneously bright yet warm room. Using soft white light bulbs on both overhead lighting and floor and table lamps creates an inviting ambience that breathes life into your space.

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Styling your dream home: design faux pas to avoid at all costs