Six spring cleaning hacks to make your life so much easier

Just in case you didn’t get the memo, spring is here and that means one thing… Time to dust off the old cleaning gloves and get started on those pesky jobs you’ve been avoiding all year! 

 Now, before you let all of the dread sink in, rest assured that with a little bit of planning, a good old-fashioned spring clean doesn’t have to take up much time or leave your home smelling like a chemical nightmare. With a few of these simple, budget friendly tips, your home can get the treatment it deserves and things will be a lot easier for everyone involved!

Start small

Don’t feel like you need to tackle an entire room immediately to feel accomplished. Start with a small task, like that junk drawer you’ve been avoiding for years. The faster you see your progress, the more motivated you’ll be to tackle the next project on your list

Declutter as you clean

If you find yourself cleaning a specific area of your home and notice a few things you no longer need, it’s time to say goodbye. Even if you make a mental note telling yourself to come back and part with those items later, you may forget what you were willing to throw out. Think: Anything I don’t need, goes in the box. That way, you can easily grab the item and place it straight in the box, it’s out of the way and you know for sure that you’re ready to throw it out.

Do a closet cleanse

If you haven’t worn those shoes in 10 years, toss them. If you don’t love that dress as much as you thought you would, give it a new home. If you don’t like something, it has to go. Don’t take up valuable space with clothing you aren’t wearing at the moment. Given it’s now warming up, pack away any of your thicker winter items into storage bins to save space and time getting ready in the morning. When winter comes around again, you can simply make the switch with your summer clothes! Not only is this a great spring cleaning tip, but it also saves you from having to do major clean outs once a year.

Air dry your clothes

This one’s pretty self-explanatory, but most of us probably default to drying our clothes in a dryer rather than hanging them outdoors. This tiny shift can not only decrease those pesky electricity bills, but it can also lessen the likelihood of a shrinking wardrobe. Try to be more environmentally friendly and hang your washing outside whenever you can. To limit the amount of ironing and help eliminate peg marks, use coat hangers for coats, shirts and tees!

Clean the oven

When does the oven NOT need a deep clean…To give it a solid clean, first make sure you remove any loose pieces, and then spray any burnt food with ammonia. Next, once you’ve wiped everything clean, sprinkle over a little baking soda and a few drops of white vinegar. The grime should come off super easily with a sponge. Tip: Baking soda and a water based mixture can also double up to clean grout in bathroom tiles too!

Give your bed a good vacuum

A couple of times a year, vacuum (yes, we said vacuum) your mattress with the crevice tool. You can also turn your mattress to make sure it holds its shape by simply shifting your feet end to your head end every couple of months.

Now, get that spring cleaning started to welcome in the sunshine you’ve been waiting for! You’ll be able to feel so much more in control (at least until Christmas hits…)!

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Six spring cleaning hacks to make your life so much easier